Equality Arizona
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SB 1138 and SB 1165 Signed into Law

SB 1138 and SB 1165 Signed into Law

Despite public outcry, soon-to-be-former Governor Doug Ducey signed two anti-trans bills today.

Today Governor Ducey signed SB 1165 and SB 1138 into law. Like leaders around the country, the Governor has forgotten that he has a duty to govern for all Arizonans. These draconian laws will harm transgender children, adults, and their families. These harmful laws will make it harder for all to live in the state of Arizona — if our elected leaders allow discrimination to become the law of the land, we cannot claim to be a place where all people are welcome and valued. Equality Arizona, together with the business community, the LGBTQ+ community, the faith community, and all Arizonans who believe in the dignity of all human beings, are united in our resolve to not only challenge and repeal these bills, but also to win full equality for LGBTQ+ Arizonans.

To the trans youth of Arizona, to trans adults, to the families and loved ones of trans youth and adults: your life is valuable beyond measure. We see you, we love you, and we work daily alongside you and for you to create a more just Arizona. Today is a setback, but it is not the end. When fear and malice drive policy decisions, we see destructive laws tear our communities apart, but these terrified politicians can never stop the change that is already so clear in Arizona and our nation. Their cowardice only reveals our strength and the power of those who are showing up in solidarity with trans Arizonans. Trans people are everywhere and we will continue to make the world see us, hear us, and we will cede no ground on our right to be here.

What You Can Do Today

First, know that your community is here for you. Take time to make sure the trans people, and especially the trans kids in your life know that they are loved and supported. Collective action means taking care of each other, especially in times like these. This is where true, transformative change begins. If you are wondering what these bills will mean for your family, reach out to us. Equality Arizona is here for you, and will continue to fight until we have full equality for all Arizonans.

With an election just around the corner, it’s going to take all of us working together to build the future we deserve. Sign up to volunteer today to get connected to the movement. To everyone who made phone calls this week, and to the thousands of you who sent your letters to the Governor, thank you. 

What These Bills Mean, and Why This Is Happening Now

In his statement today, Governor Ducey claimed that these bills are “common sense,” but there’s nothing common sense about a state law targeting a group of kids fewer in number than the legislators who voted for it. It’s no accident that Governor Ducey, in his praise of SB 1138 – a bill which would restrict gender-affirming care for youth – described it as a measure to protect “the ability of [an] individual to become a biological parent later in life.” But we know that protecting the lives of trans young people today is what makes life possible now and in the future. Anti-trans legislation is nothing more than a moral panic sweeping the nation that has nothing to do with what is right for Arizona. It is the coordinated campaign of a specific group of individuals and organizations, and the destructive product of their deep-seated anxiety over the pluralism that defines what is best about Arizona and our nation. The passage of SB 1138 and SB 1165 is a blemish on our state, but it does not reflect the beliefs or values of a majority of Arizonans of any community. The fight will be difficult, but decency and equality will win out. 

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