Now that we’ve crossed the first committee deadline in the legislature, lawmakers are working long weeks in committee of the whole meetings, where bills are debated, and floor sessions, where bills receive their final vote before crossing over to the next chamber. Once a critical mass of bills have passed between the House and the Senate, both chambers will begin regular committee meetings again to move bills through another round of public hearings and debate before being sent to the governor.
When we return to the Capitol, we want you to feel comfortable and confident as advocates, so today we’re sharing three opportunities to learn and to contribute as an active partner in the work.
Civic Advocacy
Civic Advocacy Jam
11:00 am - 12:30 pm March 4, 2023 | register
Join us on March 4 for our next Civic Advocacy Jam! With just three weeks until the final committee deadline for all bills, this will be an important moment to check in on the progress of major legislation and to strategize as a community. If you’ve been nervous about giving testimony or have had a bad experience in a committee meeting, check out this event for an opportunity to practice speaking on legislation in a safe environment.
Political Power
Political Power Team Meeting
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm March 9, 2023 | register
Want to help organize the queer community in Arizona to build our political power for the long term? Join our Political Power volunteer team at Cartel Roasting Co. in Tempe for our monthly meeting. If you can't make it to Tempe, you can call in through our Discord server instead!
Media & Events
Programming note: Keep an eye out this week for a recording of our most recent Ask Smart People Smart Questions panel and a new episode of the Arizona Equals Conversation!
Media & Events Team Meeting
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm March 2, 2023 | register
Join our Media & Events volunteer team at Cartel Roasting Co. in Tempe for our monthly meeting. Our focus this month will be building on the school board engagement and policy reporting project we kicked off in February, and like always we’ll brainstorm ways to use artistic expression for advocacy and opportunities to collaborate on dynamic audio and video productions. Can’t be there in person? Join through our Discord livestream instead!