Action Alert: Stop HB2648
The Arizona Senate should protect Arizona's children, not child abusers
This week, HB2648, a bill that would protect clergy, churches, and religious organizations from civil and criminal liability for child abuse, will move to a vote in the Arizona state senate.
We need you to contact your senators today to tell them to vote no on HB2648.
What HB2648 Does, and Why It’s Wrong for Arizona
HB2648, a bill written in reaction to public safety closures during the pandemic, carves out huge areas of legal immunity for a dangerously broad category of religious organizations. On its face, the bill is meant to simply protect religious organizations from closure during crises: its headline is “Religion is Essential.” But as it is written, would shield religious organizations entirely from civil or criminal penalty for any actions they take, including any potential abuse.
Live Policy Briefing | April 2 @ 4:30 PM
This Friday, we’ll be hosting a live policy briefing to recap the legislative session so far and to highlight victories for the LGBTQ+ community and the attacks we are still facing. Tune into our livestream on Facebook or YouTube, Friday at 4:30 PM.